Sunday, January 25, 2009


On behalf of all of us at Som Do Brasil,

Thank you! Obrigada!

Today was a wonderful day filled with a wonderful man's contribution to Brazilian music. It truly felt like being in Ipanema (although some of us have never been there), relaxing on the warm, welcoming beach sipping capirinhas as the day slipped by. As I myself have learned, there is no replacement in my heart to the sounds of Brasil; they are encaptivating and exciting like no other music I have heard in my life. I suppose our man Tom said it best: Brazil is not for the faint of heart. And neither is its music. We were so glad to hear from our musically strong hearted and devoted fans worldwide and hope that you all stay tuned to our weekly show on Wednesday nights (11PM - 1AM EST).

Can't wait until next year's Jobim Fest!

Cheers and Happy listening!

Som Do Brasil Crew


  1. Olá, meu querido JAzzvan !

    Ontem foi DEMAIS, cara !

    Parabéns mais uma vez.
    Vc e sua crew arrebentaram a boca do balão NOVAMENTE.

    Um grande abraço,

    Ana Lourdes

  2. oi toca tim maia em seu programa irmao! por favor!!!
